what is baptism?

Baptism is a picture of two things: Christ’s death, burial and resurrection and one's death to sin and new life in Christ. It is a public profession of an individual's faith in Jesus Christ, signifying that the former way of life has been put to death and new life has emerged in Christ. 

who should be baptized?

We believe that baptism is intended for the individual who has received the saving benefits of Christ’s atoning work and become His disciple (Matthew 28:18-19). Therefore, in obedience to Christ’s command and as a testimony to God, the church, oneself and the world, a believer should be immersed in water in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

next steps: baptism

We hold baptism services a few times a year. Before each baptism, it is necessary for anyone interested in baptism to speak with a Pastor. In the meeting, a Pastor will hear get to know you and hear your story of coming to faith in Christ.

If you have any questions about baptism, we would love to help you explore what it means to trust Jesus. Feel free to email us with any questions info@fcclawrence.com. If you are interested in meeting with a Pastor about baptism, click button below.